Top 5 Best FREE MEDIA PLAYER Software

評分4.8(9)·免費·WindowsMediaPlayerClassic-BlackEdition(MPC-BE)isafreeandopensourceaudioandvideoplayerforWindows.Itprovidesmanyusefullfeaturesmakingitthe ...,評分4.8(9)·免費·WindowsMediaPlayerClassic-BlackEdition(MPC-BE)isafreeandopensourceaudioan...。參考影片的文章的如下:


MPC-BE - 在Windows 上免費下載並安裝

評分 4.8 (9) · 免費 · Windows Media Player Classic - Black Edition (MPC-BE) is a free and open source audio and video player for Windows. It provides many usefull features making it the ...

MPC-BE - 在Windows 上免費下載並安裝

評分 4.8 (9) · 免費 · Windows Media Player Classic - Black Edition (MPC-BE) is a free and open source audio and video player for Windows. It provides many usefull features making it the ...

Media Player App

媒體播放器是一款娛樂應用程序. 更新日期. 2024年8月31日. 娛樂. 資料安全性. arrow_forward. 想確保安全,就從瞭解開發人員如何收集與分享資料開始!

MPC-BE download

評分 4.5 (164) · 免費 · Windows Media Player Classic - BE is a free and open source audio and video player for Windows. Media Player Classic - BE is based on the original Media Player Classic ... Files · Support

VLC media player@軟體下載

一套開放源碼的免費多媒體播放程式,支援播放的影音檔案格式眾多,有MPEG-1、MPEG-2、MPEG-4、BD、DivX、DVD、VCD、FLV、3GP、WMV、WAV、MP3、OGG、AVI、RM、RMVB、MOV、FLA ...

Media Player Classic - Home Cinema 2.3.9 免安裝中文版

Media Player Classic(MPC) 是「暴風影音」跟「K-Lite Mega Codec Pack」都拿去內建的小型純播放器(不含影音編碼程式),可以運用在影片轉檔上, ...

MPC-BE 1.8.3 免安裝中文版- 免費影片播放軟體

免費影片播放軟體- MPC-BE(Media Player Classic - Black Edition),開放原始碼的Windows音樂及影片播放自由軟體,基於「Guliverkli」與「Media Player Classic Home ...

官方VLC 媒體播放器下載,最好的開放原始碼播放器

簡單、快速且強大. 播放任何東西- 檔案、光碟、網路攝影機、裝置和串流。 可播放大多數影音檔,無需安裝編解碼器套件- MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264, MKV, WebM, WMV, MP3.

Windows Media Player

舊版Windows媒體播放器(Windows Media Player Legacy)是微軟公司出品的一款免費媒體播放器,通常簡稱「WMP」,又稱「WMPlayer」。內建Windows作業系統中,也可以透過網路 ...

Media Player Classic

Media Player Classic是一個簡潔的媒體播放器。Media Player Classic含有與Windows Media Player 6.4幾乎相同的介面。然而,這是與Windows Media Player 6.4完全不同的 ...


評分4.8(9)·免費·WindowsMediaPlayerClassic-BlackEdition(MPC-BE)isafreeandopensourceaudioandvideoplayerforWindows.Itprovidesmanyusefullfeaturesmakingitthe ...,評分4.8(9)·免費·WindowsMediaPlayerClassic-BlackEdition(MPC-BE)isafreeandopensourceaudioandvideoplayerforWindows.Itprovidesmanyusefullfeaturesmakingitthe ...,媒體播放器是一款娛樂應用程序.更新日期.2024年8月31日.娛樂.資料安全性.arrow_forward....